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Jalan Jalan

Jalan Jalan! The Indonesian expression meaning to stroll, travel, and roam perfectly describes how it all began for me – by travelling the world. I spent several years immersing myself in different cultures, experiencing new smells, flavours, and ways of living and thinking. However, my real journey began when I found myself.

For me, all journeys are transformational experiences. However, the real one happens when we dive into ourselves, do the inner work, and connect with our essence. It’s the moment we become aware of our true nature, what makes us vibe, and what brings meaning to our lives. From this point on, we can live a life guided by our soul’s purpose, free from old patterns and limiting beliefs, and feel more fulfilled and able to overcome challenges.

The mission of my project is to share everything that is part of my path of personal growth and development with you to help you to unleash your greatness. I’m dedicated to supporting you on your journey, providing guidance and insights, and helping you tap into your inner wisdom. So, let’s connect and explore the transformative power of personal growth and development together.

I’ve always lived my life taking risks, and it’s in these moments of adventure and uncertainty that the magic of life lies.

Miriam Augusto

Miriam Augusto

Travelling has always been a constant in my life, both inside and outside of me. The thrill of exploration and the desire to experience the world in all its diversity has always been a driving force behind everything I do. But it’s not just about the adventure or the excitement of discovering new places; it’s about the connection and the sense of community that comes from sharing these experiences.

For several years, I travelled the world. I was moved by the will to share my experiences with others and to be able to touch those around me. The goal was always clear: providing transformational experiences to help others grow and evolve. But after seven years of this nomadic lifestyle, something changed. I started to feel like I wasn’t filling up my cup anymore. Sharing my experiences wasn’t taking place at my full potential, and a simple transformational experience seemed meaningless. I knew I needed a more holistic and in-depth approach that would enable long-term transformation.

That’s when I decided to move to Bali, a place that had always been called to me on a deep level. I knew this was where I needed to be from the moment I arrived. I started attending courses and therapies that enhanced my self-knowledge and self-acceptance. They advised, supported, and balanced me, helping me to connect with my true essence and purpose.

And that’s how Jalan Jalan was born. It started with a simple dream of a girl who loves to cross internal and external borders. It’s a project that aims to offer more than soulful experiences; it’s a lifestyle and a reality I want to share with others. I hope that by sharing my experiences, journey and truth, others can identify, connect, and get inspired to unleash their greatness.


2024. 50-Hour Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training, Yoga Alliance Certification, Bodsphere – Health and Wellness

2022. Mystic Tarot Masterclass: Everything you need to know, Andrea Dupuis – Rising Woman

2022. The Mystic Astrologer Level 2: Professional Astrology Training, Andrea Dupuis – Rising Woman

2022. The Mystic Astrologer Level 1: Become Your Own Astrologer, Andrea Dupuis – Rising Woman

2021. Introduction to Shamanism, Xamanismo Sete Raios

2020. Intuitive Tarot: Major and Minor Arcana, Ana Lucas by Zennay

2020. Alchemical Holistic Healing Table Level I, II & II, Ana Lucas by Zennay

2019. Introdution to Crystal Healing, Associação Portuguesa de Cristaloterapia

2019. Reiki Mikao Usui Level II, Senda de Eos

2015. Reiki Mikao Usui Level I, Cosmic Rebirth

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