Unveil Your Cosmic Blueprint
Mystic Astrology is a unique tool where I combine my intuitive abilities with Western and Vedic astrological techniques along with Tarot cards to empower you with personalized guidance.
During my Mystic Astrology readings, we will use your birth chart as a roadmap to explore the energies you have brought from past lives, those you were born with, and the energies your soul intends to expand in this lifetime.
I offer three distinct types of sessions available online or in person and can be done in either Portuguese or English. Each session is 1:1 and includes a recording and your personalized birth charts.
I am thrilled at the prospect of meeting with you or reconnecting with you for one of my sessions. Let’s begin exploring the unique energies and potential that you bring to this world.
Explore Your Unique Energies:
Choose Your Personalized Astrology Session
Unveiling Your Journey
A 90-minute session where we will use several charts as a guide to creating the story of who you are and your growth and evolution throughout this life until this very moment. We will also predict the main themes and significant life changes that might arise for you during your next “solar year” – the 12 months that happen from one birthday to the next one.
Who Am I?
A 60-minute session where we will use your birth chart as a guide to explore and bring to awareness the potential blocks, patterns and limiting beliefs preventing you from unleashing your greatness and living a life of fulfilment. We will highlight where you shine and the gifts you are here to share and acknowledge the steps needed to walk your soul’s path throughout this life, fulfilling its purpose.
Cosmic Evolution
A 60-minute session for those who already have had a session with me. Astrology is not a prison but instead a living art in constant motion.
I encourage you to come back for further guidance about who you are at the present moment or even about what energies and significant life changes are coming in your direction to work with.
Slots are displayed in your time zone.
If none of the schedules are compatible, please contact me here.
Would like to have an in-person reading?
I’m every Monday at Centro de Haloterapia de Aveiro.
Please call +351 914 069 715 for booking.