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Jalan Jalan by Miriam Augusto | Transformative Experiences
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Jalan Jalan by Miriam Augusto

A transformational space created to ignite, challenge, and empower your growth journey through self-awareness. I offer transformative experiences, including Personal Development Trips, Mystic Astrology Readings, and Breathwork Classes. Each experience is uniquely crafted to help you reconnect with your true self and unleash your full potential.

Explore the transformative experiences and start your journey today

About me

Miriam Augusto

I’m a passionate traveller and seeker of transformational experiences.

Jalan Jalan is a project beyond offering Personal Development Trips, Astrology Readings, and Breathwork Classes. Through my journey, I’m dedicated to sharing my knowledge and helping others uncover their true potential.

I believe each of us has a unique path to follow, and I would be honoured to accompany those who seek my guidance.

The turning point in my life was knowing who I am.
When I embraced my true self with confidence and vulnerability, I felt I could step into anything with authenticity.
It’s beautiful to realize that what others think about us doesn’t change who we are.

~ Miriam Augusto
Stories of Inspiring Women

Her Voice, Your Journey

Curso de Astrologia Essencial

Da Interpretação Básica ao Propósito da Alma

Aprende a interpretar o teu próprio mapa astral ao longo de 5 semanas, num programa cuidadosamente desenhado para tornar a astrologia acessível, envolvente e transformadora.